Refund Policy

Refund Policy - SZ SavingTech Private Limited (Kalash APP) Effective Date: 18 August 2023 Thank you for choosing SZ SavingTech Private Limited for your financial and technological needs. We strive to provide excellent service and customer satisfaction. Please read our refund policy carefully to understand your rights and responsibilities.

  1. Refund Policies SZ SavingTech Private Limited has a strict no-refund policy, except in the following cases: 1.1 Order Failure. If your Order is unsuccessful, SZ SavingTech Private Limited will refund the full amount paid. Please contact our customer support to report payment failures and initiate the refund process.
  2. 2.Late Success Cases. In the event of delayed payment processing resulting in a successful payment after the service or product was initially denied, SZ SavingTech Private Limited may, at its discretion, process a refund for the successful transaction. Please contact our customer support to report late success cases.

2.Refund Policies for Augmont GoldTech Pvt Limited SZ SavingTech Private Limited is pleased to partner with Augmont GoldTech Pvt Limited to offer gold-related products and services. In addition to our standard refund policies, the refund policies of Augmont Goldtech apply. The policies can be accessed at

  1. No Refunds in Other Cases SZ SavingTech Private Limited does not provide refunds for any other reason, including but not limited to dissatisfaction with a product or service, change of mind, or any circumstances other than those explicitly mentioned in sections 1.1 and 1.2.

  2. Contact Information If you have any questions or concerns regarding our refund policies or need assistance with a refund request, please contact our customer support at

Note: SZ SavingTech Private Limited reserves the right to modify or update this refund policy at any time. Please check our website or contact customer support for the latest information.